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Showing posts from November, 2017


THE OFF-SEASON Off season is the season after the rain has gone for the year.  It varies across different nations, and regions.  For Nigeria,  the off season starts from October a d ends in March on the average.   Exactly what can farmers do in the off-season?  It depends on what kind of farm you have. But regardless of the type of farm, the major off season works are as follows: 1. Equipment maintenance.  Farmers need to do maintenance on their equipment to get it ready for planting in a few months. Your equipment has been used long hours over just a few weeks, so it needs a little extra TLC to keep it running in good shape. 2. Forward plan You may want to do a lot of planning for next year. Making sure that you have a plan for which type of crop go into which field, which hybrids or varieties are going into which field, and that each field is prepared ahead.  3. Increase attention given to your animal farm.  If a far...